Second-year global health fellow, Dr. Mallika Manyapu, recently visited Katakwi Hospital, a rural district hospital in Katakwi district, Uganda. During her time there, she observed the local faculty's response to critically ill patients through their Rapid Response Team, known as REACT. Additionally, she facilitated emergency care training sessions with this interdisciplinary team and engaged in discussions with local faculty to explore ways to improve emergency care in Uganda.

After her visit to Uganda, Mallika traveled to Nairobi, Kenya, where she delivered lectures at the Kenya Medical Training College to students at various levels, including Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) and clinical officers undergoing training in emergency and critical care medicine.
These visits have hopefully laid the groundwork for further opportunities for more meaningful work building Emergency Care systems through teaching, training and partnership.

Recently graduated global health fellow, Dr. Nardos Makonnen, is working in Ethiopia to develop a longitudinal research and writing curriculum for St. Paul Millennium Medical College (SPHMMC) pediatric residents. She and her team are collaborating with SPHMMC pediatric faculty and faculty from the School of Public Health to create a research and writing curriculum, with the goal of increasing research productivity. There is currently a 3 week research course for residents, but local faculty have noted that this short course inadequately prepares residents to work on their required thesis projects and engage in meaningful research.

The goal of creating and implementing this longitudinal intensive curriculum is to provide a foundation to interweave with clinical studies. Thus far, the team has met with research and writing experts, drafted the curriculum, applied for a grant, and are now working towards program implementation. On May 6th, 2024, the team held Research Day at SPHMMC, where residents presented their thesis research work, a writing skills session was conducted, in addition to a key-note lecture on research methodology.